October 9th 2010 - World Sight Day 2010 - Eyes on the Future - fighting vision impairment in later life.
What we do? (Video)
Our Vision
To develop a comprehensive eye care program with community development interventions in urban slums and rural areas to improve the quality of life and give the gift of sight to all.
Our Mission
To promote eye health and control avoidable blindness in the entire community through comprehensive health care which will lead to community development and a self reliant sustainable program.
Our Goal
To control and prevent avoidable blindness and to provide treatment and rehabilitation facilities to those who have lost vision and give the gift of sight to all children and adults.

What We Do? ---Supportive Services

Promotive Preventive Curative Rehabilitative Supportive
Non formal education
  – Balwadi’s for preschool children
  – Tuitions for school drop outs

Adult literacy classes for women
Group formation – Women's self help group and other groups such as adolescent girls group, youth group for boys and child volunteer groups.

Capacity building of these groups in eye health and general health conditions
  Economic Independence
Micro skill training courses for men and women such as sewing classes, mehendi, papad - making and others

Saving schemes such as opening bank accounts, life and health insurance policies
  Environmental Sanitation
Awareness and education of the importance of sanitation in preventing  diseases

  Establishing A Referral System
Educating the community to seek timely eye care and health care

Networking and coordinating with the local government staff and non- governmental organizations.
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