October 9th 2010 - World Sight Day 2010 - Eyes on the Future - fighting vision impairment in later life.
Our Vision
To develop a comprehensive eye care program with community development interventions in urban slums and rural areas to improve the quality of life and give the gift of sight to all.
Our Mission
To promote eye health and control avoidable blindness in the entire community through comprehensive health care which will lead to community development and a self reliant sustainable program.
Our Goal
To control and prevent avoidable blindness and to provide treatment and rehabilitation facilities to those who have lost vision and give the gift of sight to all children and adults.
Success Stories  
  STORY - 4 (Enlighten, educate, empower adolescent girls-Manju & Meena)

Manju and Meena are sisters aged 13 and 15 years respectively residing in the community of Bhabrekar. They belong to a poor family of five with their father employed as a salesman in a cloth store, their mother being a housewife and a younger brother aged ten.

Two years back, before Child Eye Care started its Comprehensive eye care with Community development program in Babrekar, the girls had dropped out of school due to their resource constrained background. Their parents did not think that it was worth educating their daughters since they would eventually get married and go to their husband’s homes. They wanted to invest in their son’s education since they saw him as their care taker during their old age. The girls started helping their mother in the household activities like cooking and cleaning.

Manju (l) and Meena (r), going to school

An adolescent girls group was initiated in the community by the team of CHWs. Since their work in the house was completed in the morning, Manju and Meena were motivated to join the group discussions held every afternoon. Over a period of few days they shared their problems at home and how they missed their school and studies. But they also did not want to burden their parents financially.

The CHWs listened to their problems patiently and motivated them to think about completing their education. They then promised the girls to help them find a solution to their problems.

Over the next few days the CHWs introduced various ‘Micro skills’ courses to the adolescent girls group. This included courses such as Mehendi (Henna) painting on the palms and a sewing course.
Since Manju and Meena were both excellent in drawing, they opted for the Mehendi Course. Within a month they were preparing the Henna paste at home and selling it at the local market. The CHWs also helped the girls get work as henna artists during the weddings and other festive occasions.  Through word of mouth the girls were called for marriages and other functions to draw the henna on the palms of young brides to be.

They started making a profit from their vocation and started contributing to the family income. The girls were now motivated to finance their own education. However they were afraid that they would face opposition from their parents. The CHWs then counselled their parents and emphasized to them the importance of educating girls. They explained how educating girls was equivalent to educating the entire family since the girls would utilise the knowledge gained for the benefit of the family.
This convinced their parents and they allowed and supported their daughters’ decision to start attending school again. The adolescent group also helped the girls to open an account in a bank and to deposit and invest their savings.

Manju and Meena were no longer the docile young girls of the community but had truly become enlightened and empowered to take decisions regarding themselves and their education.  They are now on the verge of completing their high school education.

Today, Manju and Meena are educated adolescent girls, enlightened to sensitise and motivate other girls in the community. The micro skills course has empowered them to earn and contribute to the household income. They hope to become independent women, intelligent wives and caring mothers of the future.
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